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"Performance is a contact with public...

       ... it is a self-immersive presence..."

Untitled.  Prezent performance. Flander Festiwal. Gdansk. Poland. Photo M Jurkowski



Shaken Horizon

Performance, September 21, 2024,

Arctic Action,  Svalbard, Norway.

Oil barrel, wooden board, silver ribbon 20m, landscape of Svalbard.



Gjelder Hele Verden

(Applies worldwide)

Performance, September 18, 2024,

Arctic Action,  Svalbard, Norway.

Road signs, road delimiters - red sticks.



Caution Flammable

Performance, September 14, 2024,

Arctic Action,  Svalbard, Norway.

Gallery space, oil barrel, stones from the surrounding landscape, red marker, mirror, text



Horizon Collapsed

Performance, 2024.

Lviv Media Forum. Jam Factory Art Center, Lviv, Ukraine. Photo A. Telikova
Our horizon has been shaken.

This once pacifying line now creates a wall by flashing every second...

The flickering and fluttering of the atria is an arrhythmia triggered by an upheaval of the steady state.

I try to hold on to the past I know. But the "here and now" sways every figure in the search for the balance of the future – equilibrists who seem to freeze in dynamic movement.

The horizon turns over and falls.

Scars of wounds cover the body like closed eyes. How much they have seen.

But caterpillars always turn into butterflies.  

How can we hold out until this moment, how can we resist?


When birds settle in the house

.Performance, 2023.
Atelier 213, Federação, Salvador, Brazil.  Photo W. Da Silva

Translation J. Pereira
Window, cord, clothespins, street, local sky.
The sky is so wide, and it is so hard (...)
We are looking for a place again
For birds that fell out of the nest (...)
Horizons are curved, slanted, twisted, torn, broken.
And how can we keep it?
Horizon (...)
And the birds live upstairs in this house.
We all sometimes have an unexpected neighbour (...)




How long can I stay on one leg?

Performance. September, 2023.
John David Mooney Foundation. Chicago, USA.  Photo J. Gannon

What does it mean "one leg"?

What are we thinking about or imagining when we hear this phrase?

Is it about sides and directions, the right or the left?

Do we visualize a body with one leg or without the leg?

Is it possible to accept this absence or separation?

How often do we deal with that?

You do not need to be in a country where there is a war

to have a feeling of being on one leg,

of standing on one leg

looking for the moment to catch the equilibrium.

I'm not talking just about a physical body.

There is a lot about respect and something new for us today,

which is not new for humanity,

just new for contemporary us, people.

We have to learn how to create support,

how to keep the balance today,

how we become a little more grounded tomorrow.

Big-scale games

Performance. July 2023
“Stories. The world is more complicated than our truths about it”. Mazovian Museum in Plock, Poland. Images: M. Drigotas, J. Michalska-Iwankiewicz.

​1 metal bucket, 20kg of sand for children's playground.

In a room that looks like an aquarium, I look at people. I look up and my gaze stops on the sky limited by the lines. We are like a fish but in a cage. I try to move confidently in the borrowed shoes – the rhythm is uneven and tired. The rhythm of a washed ashore fish. 

Maybe we can play together in this sandbox? I throw up the sand and it hits the ground loudly. I throw up the sand and everyone around is dissatisfied and confused. It “flies” from the sky to the ground and people run away... "We are having fun!!!!!  Oh, we're having so much fun!!!”